Ambulance Business Academy
Host Agency: SAC Metro Fire District Training Center
3121 Gold Canal Dr.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Dates of In-Person Instruction:
First Session: October 28th to 31st
Second (Virtual) Session: TBD date(s)
Third Session: November 18th to 21st
Time (In-Person): 8:00am to 5:00 pm daily
Fire departments across California are contemplating the ambulance service business. But it’s not as easy as it may appear.
The Ambulance Service is a “Business” and should not be treated the same as running a Fire Agency. California Fire agencies are more interested in getting into the ambulance business now more than ever before. We need to understand the business principles of running an ambulance company, have a better understanding of how the fire service fits into the Health Care Ecosystem and develop the skills required to make a complex business decision in preparation for a competitive contracting process.
That’s why Cal Fire Chiefs C&T teamed up with Glenn Leland to create the first ever Cal Fire Chiefs Consulting & Training Ambulance Business Academy. Glenn is a masters prepared business expert with four decades of experience leading some of the most successful ambulance services in the US and beyond. With Glenn’s unequalled knowledge in ambulance business, Cal Fire Chiefs C&T has created a one-of-a-kind, immersive, two-week academy (Split into separate one-week teaching segments), which will define the fundamental knowledge and skills fire service leaders need to know to successfully compete in the ambulance business. Our academy is like a mini-MBA in ambulance business service management, we will cover every aspect of the ambulance business and teach our students the fundamentals of successfully running an ambulance business.
In the future Cal Fire Chiefs C&T may offer add on courses to build on skills and knowledge in specialized focus areas. For example, some advanced students can add on course that goes deeper into flexible deployment planning and others want more practice in the marketing of the department’s proposal to the County. The Ambulance Business Academy is the foundation and required preparation for more advanced master level specialty programs.
Space is limited, Register Today! Registration Extended to October 25th, 2024!
Cancellation Policy: Registrants may cancel their participation by October 14th, 2024, subject to a $75 administrative fee. No cancellations will be accepted after this date. Should a registered individual be unable to attend, substitutions are permitted within the same organization and can be made on-site at the event. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Host Agency: SAC Metro Fire District Training Center
3121 Gold Canal Dr.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Dates of In-Person Instruction:
First Session: October 28th to 31st
Second (Virtual) Session: TBD date(s)
Third Session: November 18th to 21st
Time (In-Person): 8:00am to 5:00 pm daily
Fire departments across California are contemplating the ambulance service business. But it’s not as easy as it may appear.
The Ambulance Service is a “Business” and should not be treated the same as running a Fire Agency. California Fire agencies are more interested in getting into the ambulance business now more than ever before. We need to understand the business principles of running an ambulance company, have a better understanding of how the fire service fits into the Health Care Ecosystem and develop the skills required to make a complex business decision in preparation for a competitive contracting process.
That’s why Cal Fire Chiefs C&T teamed up with Glenn Leland to create the first ever Cal Fire Chiefs Consulting & Training Ambulance Business Academy. Glenn is a masters prepared business expert with four decades of experience leading some of the most successful ambulance services in the US and beyond. With Glenn’s unequalled knowledge in ambulance business, Cal Fire Chiefs C&T has created a one-of-a-kind, immersive, two-week academy (Split into separate one-week teaching segments), which will define the fundamental knowledge and skills fire service leaders need to know to successfully compete in the ambulance business. Our academy is like a mini-MBA in ambulance business service management, we will cover every aspect of the ambulance business and teach our students the fundamentals of successfully running an ambulance business.
In the future Cal Fire Chiefs C&T may offer add on courses to build on skills and knowledge in specialized focus areas. For example, some advanced students can add on course that goes deeper into flexible deployment planning and others want more practice in the marketing of the department’s proposal to the County. The Ambulance Business Academy is the foundation and required preparation for more advanced master level specialty programs.
Space is limited, Register Today! Registration Extended to October 25th, 2024!
Cancellation Policy: Registrants may cancel their participation by October 14th, 2024, subject to a $75 administrative fee. No cancellations will be accepted after this date. Should a registered individual be unable to attend, substitutions are permitted within the same organization and can be made on-site at the event. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Host Agency: SAC Metro Fire District Training Center
3121 Gold Canal Dr.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Dates of In-Person Instruction:
First Session: October 28th to 31st
Second (Virtual) Session: TBD date(s)
Third Session: November 18th to 21st
Time (In-Person): 8:00am to 5:00 pm daily
Fire departments across California are contemplating the ambulance service business. But it’s not as easy as it may appear.
The Ambulance Service is a “Business” and should not be treated the same as running a Fire Agency. California Fire agencies are more interested in getting into the ambulance business now more than ever before. We need to understand the business principles of running an ambulance company, have a better understanding of how the fire service fits into the Health Care Ecosystem and develop the skills required to make a complex business decision in preparation for a competitive contracting process.
That’s why Cal Fire Chiefs C&T teamed up with Glenn Leland to create the first ever Cal Fire Chiefs Consulting & Training Ambulance Business Academy. Glenn is a masters prepared business expert with four decades of experience leading some of the most successful ambulance services in the US and beyond. With Glenn’s unequalled knowledge in ambulance business, Cal Fire Chiefs C&T has created a one-of-a-kind, immersive, two-week academy (Split into separate one-week teaching segments), which will define the fundamental knowledge and skills fire service leaders need to know to successfully compete in the ambulance business. Our academy is like a mini-MBA in ambulance business service management, we will cover every aspect of the ambulance business and teach our students the fundamentals of successfully running an ambulance business.
In the future Cal Fire Chiefs C&T may offer add on courses to build on skills and knowledge in specialized focus areas. For example, some advanced students can add on course that goes deeper into flexible deployment planning and others want more practice in the marketing of the department’s proposal to the County. The Ambulance Business Academy is the foundation and required preparation for more advanced master level specialty programs.
Space is limited, Register Today! Registration Extended to October 25th, 2024!
Cancellation Policy: Registrants may cancel their participation by October 14th, 2024, subject to a $75 administrative fee. No cancellations will be accepted after this date. Should a registered individual be unable to attend, substitutions are permitted within the same organization and can be made on-site at the event. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Ray Gayk and Glenn Leland are the principal faculty of the Ambulance Business Academy and are present in all 50 of the in-person modules.
Guest faculty representing many of the 14 key topics are included, often in the virtual sessions, to add specific expertise. The guest faculty is dynamic, evolving as the ambulance business environment changes. For example, the technology modules will include demonstrations of important ambulance business technologies from cutting edge suppliers. An ambulance fleet purchase module will include a Cal Fire Chiefs ambulance purchasing system introduced by executives of participating manufacturing organizations, linked to the pro forma computer model central to the Academy teaching approach.
Learning plan:
ABA Students develop confidence in the ambulance business based on six key learning attributes. The Academy covers 14 key topics necessary to prepare fire service leaders contemplating or looking to enhance ambulance services. Table 1 provides insight into the approaches and teaching tools used in the Academy, and Table 2 is an overview of the 14 topical areas and what the student can expect to learn.
Registration process:
Applicants to the Academy can register by entering the form below. Application requires formal commitment to the Academy tuition, travel, and schedule. Student’s employer must endorse student application and acknowledge the Academy schedule and commit the student’s attendance in sessions including all in-person and virtual sessions. Space is limited and the information provided in the application will be used to select the most qualified applicants. A virtual interview by Cal Fire Chiefs staff may be required to complete student admission.
Cal Fire Chiefs Ambulance business Academy Key Topics
Knowledge: Through 10 full classroom days spread across 2 live-in sessions, about half that in virtual presentations, plus reading assignments and group discussion, students gain deep understanding of the concepts and structure underlying the ambulance service business:
Skill: Classroom exercises, tutorials, student presentations and an intense capstone project provide practical tools to get things done. Examples include development of a production plan, a deployment plan, a capital plan coalescing into a comprehensive pro forma and mock proposal presentation to a policy maker panel.
Analytics: Optimal decision making include both intuition and analytics. “Follow your instincts but do the math”. The mathematics of the ambulance business are a unique blend of healthcare, logistics and public safety unlike any other business. Student will learn how to measure production, deployment, quality, and the unique ecosystem of ambulance service revenues.
Frameworks: Mental frameworks, sometimes called mental models or schema, are what we use to simplify the complexity of the world. They are tools that allow us to block out the noise so that we can pay attention to the signal. We use a plethora of frameworks, so students have the best chance of thinking clearly and making good decisions.
Practice: Ambulance business managers not only need to understand several key topics, but also to communicate effectively. So, students practice written and verbal presentations to convey and defend decisions to prepare for the real world in the relative safety of the classroom.
Support: The CalChiefs ABA takes a team approach. Students certainly learn interpedently, but application is practiced in groups. We do this not only to take advantage of the skillset of the class, but also to strengthen team-building skills and build rapport between classmates and faculty to create a network of colleagues for the real world to follow the ABA.
Economics: ABA Students will see and use a dynamic ambulance business modelling tool to gain insight into the interrelation of revenues, expenses, and design decisions. The model calculates capital requirements and produces a pro forma finance plan. The class will examine and discuss pending and potential changes and their economic impact.
Revenue: ABA students will understand current ambulance business reimbursement from Medicare, Medicaid, Health insurance and other sources. User-fee-based revenues are the primary source of ambulance business revenue so, knowledge of healthcare revenue management is essential.
Accounting: ABA students will understand differences in accounting approaches comparing fire service and ambulance business objectives and can and describe reasons why GAAP best fits ambulance businesses.
System Design: EMS system design is the legal, administrative, clinical, and regulatory structure and oversight of EMS. EMS System design includes anything which will or potentially impacts patient outcome, and therefore the ambulance service is an essential component in any EMS system design.
Production: ABA students will understand the process of assembling the people, equipment and supplies needed for ambulance service, and can calculate the key measures of Unit Hour Production. Classroom experimentation with a variety of production strategies and scheduling approaches creates a mental framework for decision making.
Deployment: ABA students will comprehend factors to consider in ambulance service deployment efficiency including measurement and management of response time performance and will be able to accurately calculate and compare unit hour utilization ratios. Students learn temporal and geospatial demand analytics, and classroom use of predictive computer models sharpen skills.
Quality: The science of quality management includes, but is not limited to medical operations and results. Quality includes effectiveness, efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction. The ABA covers concepts of quality management and practical realities given the highly regulated world of ambulance service.
EMS vs. IFT. Any EMS manager with experience in both EMS and inter-facility transfers (IFT) will tell you IFT is a more complex and harder business, despite less acute medical demand. The course provides an overview of the differences and the tools an EMS oriented leader would need to compete in the IFT space.
Strategy: Ambulance service is highly competitive and requires thoughtful planning to position the business for success. ABA students will learn several strategy frameworks and an overview of the range of competitive scenarios to expect.
Customer Advantage: Ambulance business often does not have a guaranteed market, and instead must compete for its customers. ABA explores the world of competition for customer loyalty.
Legal: ABA reviews key legal concept and regulations about ambulance service businesses in California. Students are also exposed to fundamentals of ambulance contracts and other business law topics.
Advocacy: Public policy establishes EMS systems design, and therefore any ambulance business person needs to understand the role of elected officials, their staff, and how to advocate for policy.
Technology: Ambulance services use business technologies that are often unfamiliar to the fire service leader. Technology options are expanding all the time, so the ABA both reviews the key technology essentials in ambulance service management, but also will have guest faculty demonstrating important or breakthrough technologic advances. Alumni will be invited to attend tech update sessions after graduation from ABA.
Network: The ABA is designed with significant classroom time and collaborative class projects, so student build a relationship with classmates and faculty. This social network will be valuable after graduation.